
Looking for something new & exciting to do with that leftover chicken?

How about some Doro Wat (Ethiopian chicken in pepper sauce)?


I LOVE searching for new recipes on the Internet, and I stumbled across an interesting website while searching for some Thanksgiving dinner ideas last week. African Chop is great little website for all things related to authentic African food. You can browse recipes (complete with pictures) and even learn how to prepare African foods and ingredients for cooking. If you are having a hard time locating African foods in your neighborhood, there are vendors listed that you can order from online. If you aren't interesting in whipping up an authentic African cuisine yourself, you can check out some of the best restaurants located across Africa- complete with pictures and contact information. There are even a couple of African stories to read up on for dinner conversation.

I found this link particularly interesting because it was put together by someone who is from Nigeria, and dedicated to authentic recipes- not Americanized versions of the real thing. The instructions on how to prepare ingredients are helpful to those of us who need them, and there's even a chart to tell you just how hot different peppers really are. As a recipe collector and lover of all things food related, this website is one to bookmark.

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