
Hilarious African parody of aid videos!

Binyavangu Wanaina would be so proud!

I came across an article about funny video produced by Devin Carter from iKind (a media company based in South Africa), and created by the Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund (SAIH). The basic purpose of the video is to bring awareness of the silly, sometimes narrow-minded ways that Europeans (and others) tend to portray Africans during their aid campaigns. The thought behind this is not to be ungrateful, but to shed light on the idea that Africa actually has potential, and there are serious projects going on there that could use some hard funding.

Before you watch the parody video, you should watch this example of a REAL African aid plight (found on by the Band Aids, titled "Do They Even know It's Christmas":

Now that you've seen an example, here's the parody video:
I thought that this article and video warranted a spot on my blog because of our studies of the myth of savage Africa. I don't think I would've fully grasped the tone of this video without the prior knowledge (thanks to class) of Africa's struggles with the media's portrayal of their people as savage and/or helpless. This reminds me of "How to Write about Africa" by Binyavangu Wanaina.

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